Paul Bogle High School was established in the 1970s. Named after one of Jamaica’s National Heroes, Paul Bogle led the Morant Bay War in October 1865. The school has an enrollment of over 605 students, with a student/teacher ratio of 14:1.
Motto: Education alters all things
Principal: Mr. Carey Kelly
Head of Mathematics Department: Mr. Andrew James
Upper School

Fourth Form Students
Esther Bignal
Oshane McKenzie
Shanoy Shand
Tourney Hanland
Oshinee Chin
Myshan Taylor
Shaneka Constable
Jaheil Palmer
Karina Reid
Fifth Form Students
Ashanti Graham
Patrice Stewart
Peter Markland
Vashaughn Bailey
Russell Stanley
Shedean Patterson
Bianca Grant
Venika Bailey
Daina Thompson
Akola Sullivan
Lower School

First Form Students
Brianna Steele
Jamela Robinson
Bianca Weir
Monique Bassant
Riganna O’Connor
Sherriann Lambert
Michael Thompson
Alexandra Wallace
Dwayne Chambers
Racquel Smith
Second Form Students
Calecia Rowe
Rihanna Reid
Talia Baker
Emily Cristy
Kendrick Salmon
Kimone Dawson
Renardo Samuels
Fredrika Grant
Reece Williams
Kemar Matterson
Third Form Students
Christopher McKenzie
Delano Signal
Kaheela King
Courtney Gwans
Felicia Fuller
Kimani Gauld
Dajanique Harris
Samoya Willis
Akeala Johnson
Natalia Thompson