The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation, Inc., was founded in March 2017, with the singular mission of bringing economic development to the Parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica, and improving the lives of its people. Founding members comprise of St. Thomians in the Diaspora and Jamaica. The fundamental tenet of the Foundation is that the development of the parish and its rebirth, will come from, and is the responsibility of ALL its citizens. The Foundation will undertake big, bold projects that will have a seismic and transformative impact on the parish. Many St. Thomians are engaged in individual projects to support the parish. The Foundation’s ideas are not incongruent with those initiatives and differ only in size and scope. The Foundation is committed to travel the world to attract investments to the parish. The Foundation’s founders believe that a St. Thomas that takes its place among the progressive societies of the world must be unwavering and build for the 21st Century even when current circumstances in the parish seem dire.
The goal of The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation is to bring about a 21st Century Renaissance, powered by the citizens and friends of St. Thomas, through big and bold ideas, thereby creating a parish that can support its citizens, a parish to be proud of.
FOUNDING MEMBERS: Malton D. Edwards, Nicklaus A. Shoultz, Mable Marriott, Robert Ritchie, Audrey Forde, Travis Smith, Sylvester Stewart, Patricia Edwards, Lascelles Elson, Marva Kildare, Wittman Edwards, Sharon Small
Some major milestones in the early years.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Keynote address at St. Thomas Technical Reunion 2016Saturday, November 05, 2016
Five-minute speech at NY Chapter MBHS Dinner-DanceSaturday, March 25, 2017
Organizing meeting at Monroe College, Bronx, NYTuesday, June 06, 2017
Incorporated in the State of New YorkThursday, August 03, 2017
First meeting in Jamaica at Whispering Bamboo CoveTuesday, August 08, 2017
Meeting at the office of Factories Corporation of JamaicaSaturday, August 25, 2018
Inaugural Gala at Glen Island Harbour, New Rochelle, NY
From Left to Right: Marjorie Williamson, Canadian Friends of St. Thomas Healthcare Organization; Daniel Williamson, Canadian Friends of St. Thomas Healthcare Organization; Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley, Chairman of FCJ; Michael McLeod, Councillor (St. Thomas); Coleen Scott, Administrative Assistant (St. Thomas); Travis Smith, Jamaican Attache to the Foundation; Dr. Fenton Ferguson, former MP for Eastern St. Thomas; Dr. Donald Farquharson – Managing Director; Nicklaus A. Shoultz, Vice President of Foundation