The Foundation will undertake in due course, the initiatives outlined below, among others, to ignite economic development in St. Thomas, Jamaica.
Real change takes time and we are committed to this work for the long term.

Industry Expansion and Diversification
Tourism Agriculture Mining & Energy Technology

Business development, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Support Systems
Mentorship Support Funding

Social and Cultural Heritage Preservation
Sports Clubs, Heritage Clubs Cultural Activities Historical Reenactments

Expansion of Academic and Vocational Training for a 21st Century Economy
University education in St. Thomas – Mathematics, Business, and Science
Improved primary through secondary school infrastructure and outcomes.

Improved Healthcare Outcomes
Hospital infrastructure and medical personnel training Nursing homes and Geriatric care Immunization and preventative care screening

Improved Security and Reduction in Crime
Education – The Economic Impact of Crime
Civic Responsibility
Engagement of churches, schools, clubs and other civic partners