Hormel donates food and blankets to St. Thomas
Hormel Foods, an internationally known brand, donated approximately Ja. $140,000 worth of food to The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation’s food drive effort for care packages, to the shut-ins and elderly in St. Thomas. The company, long known for its philanthropic efforts both in the United States and internationally, noted in its 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report, “Our progress is measured not only in the dollars we make, but in the lives we touch and the communities we lift.” Hormel Foods brands include Planters®, SKIPPY®, SPAM®, Hormel® Natural Choice®, Applegate®, Justin’s®, Wholly®, Hormel® Black Label®, Columbus® and more than 30 other beloved brands. The donation of food will help those people impacted by COVID.
In light of Hormel Foods’ commitment to making lives better and learning that the St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation also aligns with that mission, the blankets, made by summer interns at the company, were donated to the Foundation for Jamaica through one of its employees, a member of the Foundation.
The presentation was made at the hospital with the help of Mr. Michael McLeod, chairman of the hospital’s management committee, and Mr. Travis Smith, a Director and Youthlinc Coordinator for The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation. Among the hospital personnel present were Ms. Melecia Linton, CEO, and Ms. Nadine Anderson-Lawrence, Director of Nursing Services.

Left to Right Nadine Anderson-Lawrence, Director of Nursing Services, Kameisha Thomas, Hospital Administrator, Melecia Linton, CEO, Travis Smith, Director and Youthlinc Coordinator, The St. Thomas Renaissance Foundation, Michael McLeod, Chairman-Princess Margaret Hospital Management Committee, Mureen Young-Sewell, Deputy Director of Nursing Services, Wilbert Walker, Caretaker-Morant Bay Division